Monday, August 5, 2013

Mosquitos Don't Like Rosemary

This summer has been pretty rainy in my corner of the world.  And with a lot of rain come a lot of mosquitos.  In my yard they have been so bad that my kids have had to be confined to the house after dusk since my daughter seems to be a favorite meal for blood sucking little fiends.  To make matters worse, mosquitos infected with West Nile Virus have been found in the county I live in this year for the first time. 

I usually resign myself to coating myself and my children with DEET and other chemicals to keep us from becoming a moquito meal but I don't like to.  So this weekend I thought I would give a new solution a try.  As we sat on the front porch, as we often do the mosquitos started to swarm as the sun dipped below the horizon.  So I pulled out our mini charcoal bbq grill and set it up with some wood to make a little campfire.  I got out some dried rosemary and threw some on the fire and the mosquitos disappeared!

We eventually moved to the back yard where our big fire pit is, and it did not work as well.  This solution works best on a small open fire.  Fresh rosemary is better to use because it will take longer to burn and will smoke for a longer period of time but if all you have on hand is dried rosemary that will work too.  The dried rosemary needs to be reapplied often because it burns up very quickly, but it still works really well. 

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